Tuesday 15 May 2007

Sheffield Magistrates Court and Organised Crime with LCC 12th in Series

"Justice should be seen not only to be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done".
Gordon Hewart.
This is no. 12 in the series as above.
Sheffield Magistrates Court feels that Mr Hewart's comment does not apply to them.
Quote, "It is part of the acceptance of the rule of law that the courts will be able to exercise jurisdiction over the executive". Sept. 2006 Magna Carta speech, Australia, Lord Falconer (said with his fingers crossed behind his back.)
I had learned how to pursue private prosecutions under the Magistrates Court Act and the Magistrates Rules.
The crimes committed resulting in myself as victim in Lancaster County Court with Lancashire County Council (LCC) and court transcribers, J. L. HARPHAM were all well documented, there was ample cogent evidence which discharged the burden of proof.
I sought to prosecute: Judge Gordon Nuttall, barrister for LCC NEIL ANTHONY CADWALLADER, court manager STEPHEN SAINSBURY, LAURA SALES, DAVID FAIRCLOUGH AND VICTOR WELCH all LCC and J L HARPHAM's Director for conspiring to pervert the course of justice, perjury, (Perjury Act 1911) charging me over 10 times the legal rate for a false court transcript (Theft Act 1967), send malicious communications (1981 Act), Misconduct in Public Office (incl. Misfeasance) at least.
There were case laws for all statutes and common laws.
Judges go to prison to (except when Falconer is Lord Chancellor).
R v LLewellyn Jones 1967
R v Benbridge 1783
R v Marshall 1855
Lord Campbell, "No doubt a judge who maliciously obstructs the course of justice is guilty of a misdemeanour", and R v Borron 1820..... Judges are answerable to the law".
I had enough evidence for any reasonable minded person.
Laying information was a lengthy process when done in accordance to the law and to Rules and Procedures. The example set by Lancaster Magistrates Court (see link http://www.woodsresearch05.blogspot.com/ )
had been part of the learning process.
Because the original crime (of altering the court transcript of 1st July 2003 in Lancaster County Court for which see link ref above) had been committed in Sheffield I was obliged to lay information there.
Sheffield police via a GRAHAM CASSIDY and ROBERT YATES had ignored my reporting in the manner of the corrupt protecting the corrupt. I was left to deal with it all alone.
The court transcription panel in London via a Mrs ANDREWS had ignored my serious complaint and wrote in patronising style showing that they employed children to write their letters.
Sheffield Mags. via DAVID WHITE followed rules and procedures to the letter and it took some time before I got the date to lay information there, 1st March 2004.
I was confident because everyhting had been done properly by me and the court.
On 1st March I went to Sheffield with one witness and 4 others arrived for the hearing.
One knew the judge allocated to the case, apparently JUDGE ROBERT FLETCHER was corrupt when it suited him to be so.
SARAH BLAGDON was court clerk and my main contact.
Fletcher saw my evidence and the evidence that proved that I had tried to obtain the copies of the tape(s) in question.
Fletcher said, "I can't believe you've been left to deal with this on your own".
He finally decided that we apply for the tape(s) in question and instructed a court letter to be written and sent saying that the tape(s) should be released and I should be able to listen to it(them) with an officer from Sheffield police.
Fletcher's final words that the letters would be sent to me within the week and if the tape(s) were not released he would issue summonses against those as named.
Fletcher recongised my witness who knew him and they spoke. My witness just being present had rattled Fletcher, I could see that. But, I'd got a result, would this be the card that brought down the house?
The court letter was sent to me within 3 days. The efficiency ands straightforward actions were encouraging.
The law is not complicated, liars and the generally corrupt make it complicated.
The letter went to the Court Service in London and a Susan Aghadiuno wrote to me saying that two tapes had been transcribed but that there had only been one. She lost her job when I thanked them for the evidence.
I didn't get the tapes from the Court Service.
The police jumped at the court letter and we engaged in dialogue but they couldn't get the tape(s) either.
Fletcher had said that he would give parties 28 days to get the tape(s) and for me to listen to them.
If that hadn't happened after the 28 days I would return to court and he would issue summonses against all as named.
The 28 days' deadline arrived, I wrote to Sheffield Mags Court asking for the hearing as promised. I heard nothing. I wrote again and still heard nothing.
Something was amiss.
It was well into April, Robert Yates of Sheffield police was proving to be another who thought he could write to me as he would write to a child, and I was now using emails more regularly as communication.
I tried emailing S Blagdon, nothing was happening and May approached.
I wrote to Fletcher by recorded delivery reminding of his decision after 1st March and told him I was being prevented from pursuing matters and from returning to court.
(See link http://www.criticalreadercw2.blogspot.com/ for Greater Manchester Police's (GMP) involvement at this time also.)
The attitudes of all concerned had changed. This did not bode well.
I didn't like S Blagdon's changed attitude and she was my main point of contact.
I pushed for a hearing where Fletcher would issue summonses, I asked if they were being manipulated by outside interferences.
By then I had more evidence including witness statements as to harassment etc at home, the false warrants for my arrest (see link http://www.criticalreadercw4.blogspot.com/) and the evidence showing that 2 tapes had been transcribed when there had only been one and other documents.
I drafted a statement with this small, additional bundle and waited for a date.
Eventually I was told that I could attend on 16th June 2004. The sloppy, unprofessional correspondence that Sheffield Mags. were now sending suggested that the case had degenerated into what would be another miscarriage of justice.
That seen in the context of my dealings with GMP (to be added later) and the London Met. police (also to be added later) did not inspire confidence, the whole matter had become an insult to my intelligence again.
The 14th June 2004 brought its own slap-in-the-face for me (see GMP when added) but, ever optimistic I thought that Fletcher couldn't ignore what I had.
My witness this time was a match for any judge but there were just the two of us.
When we reached the court the desk clerk told us that there was no listing for me and when I checked the public listings the case was not apparent. This was a bad sign.
We were to go and wait at the main office. Through the glass I could see S Blagdon arranging something to do with my case, she was on the phone and constantly looking to see if I was there. She was having a good laugh at something, I had thought she was arranging for Fletcher to hear the case.
She was arranging something but later I learned that it was about me but nothing to do with Fletcher then.
We just waited.
We waited almost an hour and then were told to go to Fletcher's court room and wait some more. We did and then spoke to the usher when it was clear that the courts had finished for the day without anything happening on my listing. (See link Lancaster Magistrates as above.) This was to be another joke at my expense.
The usher wasn't sure what to do and went to speak to Fletcher.
We could hear him.
"I'll give her 20 minutes but that's all".
He hadn't been expecting me that was certain. It was a joke at my expense again.
It was a closed court, S Blagdon had been replaced by another, a male clerk and my files from March 1st left in the court on Fletcher's instruction then had disappeared. I was forced to give Fletcher a copy of that first file which I had with me, intending it for my witness, and then I supplied him with the additional file. The clerk also had that because I had expected to have had to have provided it all round.
Fletcher began most encouragingly, "I'm not a Freemason and I haven't been got at" Which made me wonder if he was and if he had.
I tried to keep things on track and focussed.
I began reading my brief, additional statement referring to documents in the bundle but he stopped me after a few minutes.
If he thought that the false arrants for my arrest were going to be recorded as scotch mist he was mistaken.
His face was a picture.
I gave him the related law and arrived at the reference to Risley prison.
My witness asked to speak and gave her firsthand knowledge of the closure to women in Risley in 1998.
Fletcher argued with her, she stood her ground.
Fletcher was half standing up and leaning forward, he was raving, "I got in my car on my driveway and I drove to Risley prison to interview 5 women last week".
My witness was unfazed.
"No you didn't" she said, "you went to Styal".
It was dead quiet.
He sat down.
"Well, I might have done" he said, sulkily.
There was no apology for his disgusting behaviour, his hysterical outburst, and he had been wrong.
I reminded him why I was there.
He became nasty, grossly unprofessional and ranting.
The clerk had given up and was wishing he could disappear under his seat such were his attempts at trying to slide down where he couldn't be seen. He was acutely embarrassed. Was this a court in England in the 21st Century? Sadly, it was, another one.
Flecther argued again, "I never said I'd issue summonses".
"Why have I travelled hundreds of miles then? What is this hearing for?"
It flummoxed him.
He didn't know what to say so didn't bother. Like all the rest before him (see links for MO of bent judges) he just walked out of the court as a coward and bully; his parting shot was, "It's not my fault you can't get the tapes".
Sheffield police sent me a final email which was the usual nonsense and S Blagdon sent me an email saying if I contacted the court again I would charged with harassment.
I invited her to do that saying then it would all be revealed, I also asked for their data controller's details.
I asked for the return of all my documents and all copies of all files in court.
I did receive some, nothing like the amount there should have been but that package is still sealed showing it was Sheffield Magistrates court and will be opened before the right audience.
Then it can be seen what Flecther had in front of him yet ignored. It will also show what is missing and what undoubtedly went to LCC. They would have learned of events on 1st March 04.
The alternative to Sheffield Magistrates sending LCC my first files would be that they have destroyed the evidence thinking that they would never have seen me again. Lord Levy is under the impression that destruction of evidence in criminal matters is a crime in itself.
I have tried to obtain the information as to the Court Transcription panel via Amy Healy at Wordwave. I remain ignored.
See met Police link to be added re that and the Royal Courts of Justice.
Next entry Greater Manchester Police at http://www.criticalreadercw6.blogspot.com/
Carol Woods Lancaster 15th May 2007.

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